Thursday, March 18, 2010

This week has been kinda hectic. We are crazy busy with both of our jobs and callings and everything else. Today we found out that Jacom might be getting a summer job out of state. We are excited about the financial side of it, but I will say, I am going to miss him. He is my sanity and biggest support. I am so grateful to be able to wake up next to him every morning. So when he gets this job and leaves me, I know it will be hard, but I am so grateful for the opportunities we have been given to provide for our family. As of this Monday, I am now in my 3rd and final trimester of pregnancy. Exactly 3 months from this past Monday is my due date. AHHHH!!! I am so excited to finally meet my anxiously awaited Andre! He is the highlight of our lives and he hasn't even come yet! I am so excited for Spring to be here!! Warmth and sunlight is coming back and it is making a huge difference on my whole outlook on life! I love this time of year and everything it symbolizes.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Today was the beginning of another Trimester at school. and in just one week it will be the beginning of the third and final trimester of my pregnancy. It is so amazing to feel this life inside of me.
Jacom and I are growing closer and closer as the days go by. He was so great today! Even though I was irritable and annoyed, he just kept smiling and loving me. When I got home tonight he asked if I was doing better. I was, thankfully, doing much better. I am just so glad he was understanding. It helped alot!
I think the reason I was so annoyed was because of the beginning of the new Trimester. I had no idea what I was going to do about my classes today with the students I had. But, when I got to the school, turns out I didn't have a class to teach! I am not complaining at all. I was able to stay around and help with all of the chaos of a first day, and not have the stress of having to teach. I love the Connections Program. It gives these kids such an uplifting and fun environment, as long as we, the teachers, are uplifting and fun. I am glad I was able to help the other teachers with the first day stress so that it was fun and uplifting for all.
I can't wait for Spring to be here!! We had sunshine today and it gave me the hope that Spring is coming! It will be so nice to have warmer weather and be able to enjoy going outside again.
We watched Polyanna last night and I decided that I need to play the "Glad Game" more. I am so glad that I have a loving husband and a loving family and so many wonderful friends. What more can a person ask for?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beginning a Family

Well, as of this past Sunday, Jacom and I have been married for 6 months! We are so thrilled to be preparing to bring our new son, Andre into this world! I can't believe how time has flown. We are learning daily how to live together. I look at my husband and I can't help but feel blessed. The love that I see in his eyes is soo amazing! Dreams really do come true!