I have decided I am not a very good blogger. I have been so busy taking care of other things that this becomes my very last priority. As of now, Jacom and I are living in Heber City, having a great time. Andre is the most adorable child in the world. His smile is what keeps me going! Jacom is working as an Electrician and doing really well with it. He is also preparing for deployment with the Utah National Guard. I can't say when the deployment is, so don't ask. We are all getting ready for this monumental change in our lives.
As I prepare for this event that I really never wanted to come, I think about all of the other families who have gone through this same situation. I have often wondered, "How do they do it?" I was one of those girls who swore I would never marry a military man. I didn't want to be the wife sitting at home worrying about whether or not I would ever see my husband again. I guess the Lord had something completely different in mind for me. I am sure this is going to be a time of learning and growing, full of ups and downs. I am grateful for the time that I have been able to spend with my husband and the fact that we are sealed to each other for time and eternity. I most definitely don't know what I would do without the knowledge of God in my life. He is ever present. I really wonder how people who don't believe in God can even deal in situations like this. Just knowing that this life is not the end makes things so much more bearable.
My heart goes out to all of the families who are missing their loved ones in the armed forces. You are amazing. And no one understands until they have been there. Thank goodness for our military. They are keeping this country free.
Happy Sunday