So Andre is 3 months and one week old. I can't believe how quickly he is growing. We started him on rice cereal last week and he likes it now. He has had some rough times, but he is doing so good. He is such a beautiful little boy. When he smiles it lights up my whole world! He has gone to the doctor monthly since he was born because he is supposed to go at 2 months and 4 months, and at 1 month he was not feeling well, and 3 months he wasn't doing so good either. I guess we will see at 5 months. :) Jacom is enlisting in the National Guard this week and we will be moving to Heber soon, so that we can be in a place on our own. We can't say a place of our own yet, but at least we will be living on our own. :)
So it has been a few hours since I started writing this, and since then, I have discovered that Andre is teething, which would explain the drool and the crying. Poor boy. He is just growing way too fast!!!