Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
So Andre is 3 months and one week old. I can't believe how quickly he is growing. We started him on rice cereal last week and he likes it now. He has had some rough times, but he is doing so good. He is such a beautiful little boy. When he smiles it lights up my whole world! He has gone to the doctor monthly since he was born because he is supposed to go at 2 months and 4 months, and at 1 month he was not feeling well, and 3 months he wasn't doing so good either. I guess we will see at 5 months. :) Jacom is enlisting in the National Guard this week and we will be moving to Heber soon, so that we can be in a place on our own. We can't say a place of our own yet, but at least we will be living on our own. :)
So it has been a few hours since I started writing this, and since then, I have discovered that Andre is teething, which would explain the drool and the crying. Poor boy. He is just growing way too fast!!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010

My beautiful son is almost 3 weeks old! He is growing soo quickly! I am so grateful for him and for everything he brings into my life- except maybe the exhaustion! Andre was born June 7, 2010 at 6:35 PM. He was 8 lbs 10 oz and 20.5 inches long. I was induced into labor that morning at 5:30. I had gone in the night before and gotten cervidil to soften the cervix. When I went in, I was dilated to a 2. Apparently I had been having some contractions, but I hadn't felt them. All that night, I had contractions, but I didn't feel them. When they started me on the Pitocin, I was still only dilated to a 2. I did start recognizing contractions, but they didn't hurt. They checked me a few hours after they had started me, and I was still only at a 2. I was not progressing at all, and they were concerned. Then at 12:00 noon, the doctor came and talked to me. He talked about sending me home on a therapeutic rest, and then he checked me, and I had dilated to a 3. The nurse asked him if he was going to try to break my water, and he said there was no try about it. He broke my water, and I started feeling the contractions much more. I was dilated to a 5 when I got the epidural. It was a perfect epidural. I didn't feel it go in, and I was still able to feel my legs and my belly, just not the pain! I started pushing at 6:00 PM. Andre's head was sideways and stuck, so he had to be vacuumed out. He screamed the instant he came out. There was no concern about his lungs. I cried when they gave him to me. It was such a miracle. The next thing I knew, I almost passed out, and I was on oxygen. I was very weak that night, and I was not able to hold my baby for very long. They did blood work on me, and the next day I had a blood transfusion. They gave me two units of blood, because my hematocrit level was extremely low. They tested my blood again Wednesday morning, and I was good to go. I was sent home with instructions to eat lots of green leafy veggies and red meat. Now I am doing much better. All is well, except that Andre is having a growth spurt which makes it hard for me to sleep. Still happy to have him here though.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Nearing the End!
Tomorrow Jacom comes home!! I am sooo excited! I went to the doctor today and he said that I was cleared to go pick Jacom up from the airport! We are going to have so much to do this weekend, and then on Monday... time for Andre to come!! I am nervous and excited and scared and happy and all kinds of emotions!! I can't wait to be able to see my son placed in my arms for the very first time! I keep wondering, "what does he look like?" "how much is he going to weigh?" "Is this really happening to me?" I have always wanted to be a mom, and now I get my first experience with the divine calling. I hope that my grandma's spirit will be right there with me, helping me know what to do in raising this child. Between her and my mom, who could ask for anything better? I am so glad I have been raised in this family, and I am eternally grateful for the things that I have learned in preparation for motherhood. I know I still have a lot to learn, but I feel prepared and very excited!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Waiting Game
I am now officially at 37 weeks. Dilated to a 2 and waiting for two very important things to happen. Jacom comes home in a week and 2 days and I must say that I am really looking forward to that. We are hoping that Andre does not come before that, but after Jacom comes home he can come at any time. I was going to have him induced, but we are no longer under such a time restraint and I am excited to let him come when he is ready. I must say, I am very anxious for this waiting game to be over. It will be nice to welcome home the two most important men in my life! But for now, I will continue waiting...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Only One Month Left!

There are exactly 4 weeks left of this pregnancy! I am so excited to bring little Andre into this world! I just hope everything goes right. Right now he is breech and causing me a little bit of stress. Hopefully, though, he will decide to turn when he knows it is right. I have a feeling that Heavenly Father will help me through this, so I'm not too worried. I am really missing Jacom right now. His being in Texas is really hard, but I am grateful for all of the support that I get from home to help me. I am excited for the fact that in less than a month he will be coming home to witness Andre's birth. All will be right when I see my son in his father's arms for the first time.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Summer's coming
It isn't Summer yet, but today is the day that Jacom is going to Texas. I have so many mixed feelings about this, I don't know what to do. I will miss my husband so much that I am sure there will be tears, but I also know this is what needs to happen. I am so glad he will be able to be here when Andre is born, otherwise, I don't know what I would do. I am grateful for this opportunity for both of us to grow. I am also grateful for the opportunity this is for Jacom. He is going to be able to earn a very decent amount this Summer and it will help us soo much! I love my husband and his desire to do what is necessary to provide for his family. I know that even though it will be hard for me, it will be just as hard for him, if not harder. I am grateful for a supportive family and know they will help me get through this next two months without breaking down.... hopefully.
Thursday, March 18, 2010

This week has been kinda hectic. We are crazy busy with both of our jobs and callings and everything else. Today we found out that Jacom might be getting a summer job out of state. We are excited about the financial side of it, but I will say, I am going to miss him. He is my sanity and biggest support. I am so grateful to be able to wake up next to him every morning. So when he gets this job and leaves me, I know it will be hard, but I am so grateful for the opportunities we have been given to provide for our family. As of this Monday, I am now in my 3rd and final trimester of pregnancy. Exactly 3 months from this past Monday is my due date. AHHHH!!! I am so excited to finally meet my anxiously awaited Andre! He is the highlight of our lives and he hasn't even come yet! I am so excited for Spring to be here!! Warmth and sunlight is coming back and it is making a huge difference on my whole outlook on life! I love this time of year and everything it symbolizes.
Monday, March 8, 2010

Today was the beginning of another Trimester at school. and in just one week it will be the beginning of the third and final trimester of my pregnancy. It is so amazing to feel this life inside of me.
Jacom and I are growing closer and closer as the days go by. He was so great today! Even though I was irritable and annoyed, he just kept smiling and loving me. When I got home tonight he asked if I was doing better. I was, thankfully, doing much better. I am just so glad he was understanding. It helped alot!
I think the reason I was so annoyed was because of the beginning of the new Trimester. I had no idea what I was going to do about my classes today with the students I had. But, when I got to the school, turns out I didn't have a class to teach! I am not complaining at all. I was able to stay around and help with all of the chaos of a first day, and not have the stress of having to teach. I love the Connections Program. It gives these kids such an uplifting and fun environment, as long as we, the teachers, are uplifting and fun. I am glad I was able to help the other teachers with the first day stress so that it was fun and uplifting for all.
I can't wait for Spring to be here!! We had sunshine today and it gave me the hope that Spring is coming! It will be so nice to have warmer weather and be able to enjoy going outside again.
We watched Polyanna last night and I decided that I need to play the "Glad Game" more. I am so glad that I have a loving husband and a loving family and so many wonderful friends. What more can a person ask for?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Beginning a Family

Well, as of this past Sunday, Jacom and I have been married for 6 months! We are so thrilled to be preparing to bring our new son, Andre into this world! I can't believe how time has flown. We are learning daily how to live together. I look at my husband and I can't help but feel blessed. The love that I see in his eyes is soo amazing! Dreams really do come true!
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